Direction and Choreography: Veronika Poldauf Riedlbauchová
Stage Design: Marianna Stránská
Music: Jan Čtvrtník
Dramaturgy: Tomáš Jarkovský
Light Design: Michal Kříž

Premiere: 26. 9. 2020

45 minutes


  • 3+ Three years and above.

A devised production bordering on poetic physical theatre and clownery by the director Veronika Poldauf Riedlbauchová. Suitable for audiences aged 3+. The production builds on the well-known moment when children should go to bed, but suddenly they discover an undreamt surge of energy and do not want to get to sleep at all, with their father naïvely thinking how smooth this will be. Riedlbauchová graduated from theatre direction at KALD DAMU under the supervision of Professor Josef Krofta. Consequently, she studied physical acting at Institut del Teatre in Barcelona. It is poetic physical theatre which is at the crux of her oeuvre – most recently her collaboration with Bratři v tricku troupe. Together they have devised a trinity of highly acclaimed productions: Plovárna(Riverside), Funusand Lov(Hunting). On the side, Riedlbauchová is engaged with opera directing, choreography or devising of productions fusing music with poetry. Awards and acknowledgements: At the 2021 Mateřinka international theatre festival, Veronika Riedlbauchová received the Governor of the Liberec Region’s Award for the direction and choreography of the production, Marianna Stránská for the scenography, Michal Kříž for light design and composer Jan Čtvrtník for music.

In the media: “It would be tempting to write that Bedtime! is a simple play on an everyday theme in an artistically pure performance. But that would be a huge disservice. The fact that all the movement seems simple, the music precisely comments on the events on the stage and the sorcery with the light manages, in an instant, to change the stage, which is dominated by a huge bed, all testify that there is careful work behind Bedtime!, which the creators do not need to exhibit vehemently, but have devotedly woven it into a coherent and entertaining form.” Veronika Švecová, Hadrián – Official bulletin of the Regions Theatre Festival, 21.6.2021

“This clownish slapstick Bedtime! transforms into a poetic and entertaining physical production about two children, where the actors Petra Cicáková and Luděk Smadiš easily consume the stage solely with the use of a bed, blankets, pillows and the principles of a well-developed shadow play, which we enjoyed doing as children with only a lamp and a wall. All of their movements appear graceful and undemanding, as if any of us could do the same without the slightest effort.” Alexandra Ratajová, Loutkářská Chrudim Bulletin – 70th edition, 3.7.2021

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