The Story of Drak 1958 – 2018
The exhibition tells a story of Drak theatre’s 60 years in 31 panels. Via exhibited puppets, photographs, stage designs, production excerpts and many other period materials, the exhibition portrays the transformation of Drak’s theatrical language and mediates the distinctive atmosfere of the theatre. It presents Drak as a creative space as well as a life intersection of those who have been contributing to create it for 60 years.
The exhibition was realized with a financial subsidy from Nadace ČEZ.
Design Playground
This interactive exhibition teaches concepts and methods of design in a playful way. Step by step, children learn how a designer thinks and comes up with ideas.
The exhibition takes visitors from the first idea to the final product. A simple guide leads them through five phases: empathy, definition, shaping ideas, prototypes, and testing. The participants discover new, creative approaches to their own work and everyday life as they go through numerous creative adventures.
Exploring concepts of design teaches visitors how to generate ideas and evaluate them, finding creative solutions to problems. It develops communication and presentation skills, supports teamwork and inclusion, and is playful, fun and educational.
We offer programs for school groups which take students through the entire creative process. They learn how to gather, sort, analyze, and evaluate information and see how it can be applied to new contexts and situations. In five steps, they get from first idea to its final implementation.
The exhibition fosters many important skills: teamwork, communication, public speaking, visual presentation of ideas, discussion and debate.
The process of exploring design concepts brings visitors together, breaking barriers in a group and contributing to individuals’ sense of fulfillment.
Our educational programs are designed for a range of age groups, from elementary to high school students.
The creators of the exhibition are from the PROTEBE cultural association in Karlovy Vary. They are design activists, artists, and passionate locals who have been promoting culture and civil society in the town of Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad) since 2005. DIZAJNPARK is the name of their creative center, which was previously called the Supermarket WC Gallery. They are now located in an industrial building that once housed the Tuhnice heat exchanger, and the space has a strong influence on their work.