NIE – Cabaret Europe
Director: Kjell Moberg a Alex Byrne
Music: NIE
Scenography: NIE
Production: Iva Moberg, Uta Gildhuis
Cast: Alex Byrne, Jessica Cuna, Kieran Edwards, Tomáš Měcháček, Kjell Moberg, Iva Moberg, Elisabet Topp, Robert Orr
Technical support: Šimon Kočí, Jan Sháněl, Vojtěch Švejkar
Video/foto: Přemysl Bukovský
Cabaret Europe – A site-specific partly improvised performance that examines the change in the political climate in Europe after the refugee crisis. Based on true stories, and interviews with refugees, politicians and the general public NIE presents a site-specific cabaret that takes Europe anno 2016 on the pulse. Theatre NIE has since 2001 created contemporary performances based on historical events. In Cabaret Europe NIE research the present to try to understand what is about to happen with optimism about a European community living in freedom and peace with humanistic values after 1989.