Where is Drak


Drak Theatre and The International Institute of Figurative Theatre
Hradební 632
Hradec Králové
500 03

Public transport

Bus no. 17 and trolley bus no. 7 – bus stop Stará nemocnice or bus no. 18, 19 and trolley bus no. 2 – bus stop Komenského.

You can find the connection at dpmhk.cz.

By car

You can park in the streets near the theatre or at a free parking near aquapark Flošna.



You can book your tickets through hkpoint.cz.

For phone reservations please call +420 601 154 379 or write an e-mail at rezervace@draktheatre.cz.

The phone reservation line works  
during weekdays from 9 am to 3 pm, during weekend and holidays from 9 am to 5 pm. 

The ticket office is open 1 hour before the beginning of a performance. 

If you have a free ticket from Vítání občánků or a gift ticket, please use phone or e-mail reservation once you have chosen the performance.


+420 495 514 721
+420 495 515 543



Billing information

Divadlo Drak
a Mezinárodní institut figurálního divadla o.p.s.

ID: 27504671
VAT ID: CZ27504671
Hradební 632
Hradec Králové
500 03
Czech Republic

Bank account

Komerční banka a.s. Hradec Králové
Náměstí osvoboditelů 798
502 16 Hradec Králové
Account Nr: 35-7806340217/0100
IBAN: CZ3701000000357806340217

MgA. Tomáš Jarkovský

Executive Director


MgA. Jakub Vašíček

Artistic Director


Michaela Maisnerová

Secretary of Artistic Ensemble

info@draktheatre.cz +420 606 776 786

MgA. Barbora Kalinová

Head of Marketing and Production

kalinova@draktheatre.cz +420 776 777 914

Adam Trejbal

Sales Department – offers for schools

obchodni@draktheatre.cz +420 734 655 157

Martina Marková

Public Relations

press@draktheatre.cz +420 777 716 782
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